
Daylily - Keepsake Rosie

Keepsake Rosie
(Pearce-G 2015)

  • 6" Flat dark rosy pink with a chalky pink watermark and lovely ruffled gold picotee edges above a bright yellow to green throat. Excellent substance.
  • This is a special plant! Keepsake Rosie starts flowering early in the midseason and continues to build buds and bloom until frost in September. Yes, you read that correctly. This plant has bloomed from mid-June through mid-September for at least eight years! The nice tall clean dormant foliage is a beautiful backdrop to the tall scapes. Excellent pod and pollen fertility. Producing wonderful strong kids. I’m convinced this plant will be an important one in hybridizing toward everblooming larger flowered daylilies.
  • 40" scape with 4 branches and 20 buds, Early to Mid, Dormant, Tet (Chance Encounter X Ed Brown)
  • Seedling #03-45-01
  • $25 DF
9-14 Bud BuildingSeedlingSeedlingSeedlingSeedlingSeedling
9-14 Bud BuildingSeedlingSeedlingSeedlingSeedlingSeedling

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