
Daylily - Pink Intuition

Pink Intuition
(Pearce-G 2023)

  • 5.5" Pink with finely ruffled darker edges and prominent white midribs above a yellow to green throat. It’s such a perky sweet thing. Your intuition about the color pink will be realized in these flowers.
  • Wherever Pink Intuition is planted, it is sure to be admired because the strong well-branched and budded scapes provide an absolute bouquet of flowers at peak bloom, especially when grown in a clump. Its slightly later bloom time is a great way to extend the daylily season.
  • 30" scape with 5 branches and 20 buds, Mid to Late, Semi-Evergreen, Tet (Such a Flirt X (Silken Temptress X Last Snowflake))
  • Seedling #13-42-01
  • $50 DF
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