
Daylily - Quasar Redshift

Quasar Redshift
(Pearce-G 2022)

  • 5.5" Fire engine red with a small watermark inset with light radiating midribs plus white ruffled edges above a yellow to green throat. The unusual starry effect of the midribs seem to give this flower the power of celestial quasars.
  • Nice tall scapes show off this bright flower well over the beautiful dormant foliage. Quasar Redshift is producing other saturated reds that also rebloom in the northern climate. First place winner of the 2021 Region 2 Englerth Seedling Award voted on by the Summer Meeting attendees. Pod and pollen fertile.
  • 37" scape with 4 branches and 20 buds, Mid w/Rebloom, Dormant, Tet (Master Huntsman X Home of the Free)
  • Seedling #13-56-01
  • $50 DF
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