
Daylily - Vintage Glamour

Vintage Glamour
(Pearce-G 2017)

  • 6" Frilly pink and cream blend with blushed darker edges outlined in buttery yellow above a yellow to green throat. Fragrant.
  • Vintage Glamour is a southern belle looking flower but the nicely branched scapes are produced by a northern hardy plant with dormancy and rebloom. It is a nice season extender by starting to flower before peak season. Also, rebloom scapes develop before the first set are finished blooming. Pod and Pollen Fertile. The kids are also elegant with wonderful fancy edges.
  • 28" scape with 4 branches and 20 buds, Early to Mid w/Rebloom, Dormant, Tet (Jewel in a Crown X Lavish Lavender Lace)
  • Seedling #08-34-01
  • $25 DF
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